Monday, March 10, 2014

How To Carry Yourself Around Women In Hopes Of Wooing Her.

There's something in us that causes us to over-analyze situations. It's just human nature. As guys we don't know how to act around women. We let our emotions lead us, and that is the worst thing one can do. It has taken me a while, but I have finally figured it out. For the last 5 years I have studied pickup, psychology and communication and I believe that my fresh take in trying to woo a girl will undoubtedly help you out.

OK, so how do you get this girl interested? How do you get her to give you her number? How do you get her to go home with you? And no, it does not have to do with looks; I mean sure it helps, but just do what you can with your image and that will suffice. There are 3 things that we must focus on: Body Language & Facial Expressions, Tone, and Stress Management. That's it. You master those 3 things and you will be the man you have always dreamed of becoming and should help you picking up ladies easily. Let me explain.

Body Language & Facial Expressions:

This a very important one out of the three, and it absolutely befuddles me that most men don't work on this. They would rather be working on what they should say. I can tell you from experience that you can say absolutely anything to a girl, and it won't matter as long as you have these 3 things in place, but why is body language coupled with your facial expressions the most important?  Well for starters, it's the first thing the girl sees, and your body language says two critical things about you that makes girls go crazy: confidence and dominance. If you portray those two traits then this allows women to feel safe and comfortable in her woman role because you are assuming the man role correctly. There's one problem though, guys simply don't know how to portray positive body language. So What exactly is positive body language?

As you can see, both of these pictures have something in common: the same pose. This is a natural pose that mostly all of humans do subconsciously when they experience huge amounts of joy or success. Notice how spread out  and how open their arms are and how they're smiling. Their body language along with their facial expressions exude dominance, confidence, happiness and just a feeling of hell yeah. Even animals do this to express dominance to other animals. You want to remember this same concept when interacting with women. The more open you are, the more confident and dominant you seem. Now, I'm not saying that you have to open yourself up and wave your arms like those tube-men you see at car dealerships. You have to be calm and still with it. Be in control of it, and don't let it control you. You must also remember to couple your body language with a smile because if you don't then you just look like you're not having a good time.

Bam, this is the body language you want.

Yes, I know the guy is a little on the short side(thank you captain obvious), but his body language is on point; by being open, and calm with his body language he is exuding everything to get the girl feeling comfortable. It's like a trigger is set off when women see these traits in a man, and after this your chances of getting her number,  taking her on a date, or taking her home increase significantly.


Controlling your tone is also a very valuable skill in wooing a lady. Have you ever talked to a girl you really liked and suddenly realize that your voice has changed? The two most common types of tones that guys usually end up using when talking to a woman are the low & shaky tone, or a loud tone. They use a silent & shaky tone when they are nervous, and what a lot of guys end up doing because they realize this tone projects nervousness they overcompensate for it in this loud tone which projects indecisiveness; this is called up-talk.  Avoid both of these two tones! What you want to do is reach a tone in voice that you are comfortable talking to one of your buddies, or a close family member with. That same tone is the tone you want to use when talking to a girl you are wishing to attract; remember to be consistent with it, and hear for spikes in your voice that portray nervousness or indecisiveness like shakiness.

Stress Management:

I know I told you that body language a very important quality out of the three things when attempting to attract a lady, but being able to manage stress is just as  important if not more important! The reason why this is important because by being able to manage your stress you are able to manage your feelings and control them, and that is the key. Every single time I do something out of my comfort zone I get an anxiety feeling, but as soon as I start to realize that I'm projecting it through my body language whether it  be shuffling my feet, fidgeting, or just by projecting a shaky tone in my voice I stop it immediately; I then revert to doing the things that exude confidence, like the things we talked about: being open, being calm, having a good positive tone. Having this ability to realize that your emotions are forming how you're acting is vital because a lot of people just subconsciously follow through with them regardless, and then wonder why they failed. Always be weary of your emotions and be conscious when you are portraying negative traits like anxiousness, nervousness, and sadness. We all have these emotions, but we have to brush them aside and in a sense just act. There have been many times when I feel anxious when going up to a girl, but I ignore it and portray the confident traits, and just with that in itself makes me feel confident; fake it until you become it.

Examples of things we do that portray negative traits:
  • fidget with our fingers
  • pace
  • play with objects
  • look down
  • not being able to maintain eye contact
  • shaky voice
  • low voice
  • closing yourself
  • hunching

Examples of things we do that portray positive traits:
  • Straight posture
  • Being open(spreading out)
  • Maintaining eye contact
  • good positive tone
  • smiling
  • laughing
  • being still

If you ever find yourself in a situation where you realize that you're doing something in the negative traits area, switch it around to the adverse positive trait. Turn your weakness into a strength even if you have to act it out!

Also remember to always show the girl you're interested in her by blatantly telling her that you like her. Always be direct. Make no doubt in her mind that you are hitting on her, and that you do want to go on a date, or take her home.

Hope this has helped. Good luck!

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